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Dear Doha- Friends,
I took this photo on the way to the airport yesterday morning (I’m just showing off my photography skills. It has nothing to do with the wish to share a beautiful sight). I have to admit that, after all the goodbyes the last few days, leaving was not easy. Yeah, I was going home, which felt great, but I also felt I was leaving home, which felt a bit less great. In fact, that sucked.
I realized that I was really really really lucky to have worked with all of you at Radisson Blu Hotel, Doha. To me, it’s always just amazing that the people who I admire the most, treat me with the most respect. It’s like that in (my) life in general, and it was no different in Radisson and in Doha. I humble myself and can’t express my gratitude for the way you treated me. Of course, although working at Radisson was the biggest part of my life in the past 6 months, I was also fortunate enough to make friends other than coworkers. Many of you left me speechless with the goodbye gifts and your kind words, which made leaving Doha about a 1000 times harder.
Right now, it all seems like a dream; something that is real only in my memory. The really good thing about it, though, is, that you’re now forever saved (CTRL+S) in that internal memory of mine. ‪#‎thatwasntcreepyatall‬ ‪#‎sotrashy‬

Thank you. I don’t know what else to say. Regardless of how hard it was to leave, right now, it’s nice to know I have yet another home far away from home.
I’m not a big fan of the Fb quotes, but I really adore the one I found while I was touring USA. It says: “You will never be completely at home again, because a part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of knowing and loving people in more than one place.”
Far more descriptive than anything I could come up with right now.

So, Doha- Friends, thank you for coming to my life. And all the Non-Doha-Friends, thank you for continuously being here.

Thanks to you, life is great.
Maybe even better than my photography skills.


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